• 1- Broad rim hat = sun protection
  • 2- Light long sleeve shirt = sun protection
  • 3- Pack belt has ridged attachment to pack = all weight on hips
  • 4- Shoulder strap high = no weight on spine
  • 5- Fleece pullover between pack and back = keep proper spine curve
  • 6- Nerve damage to right leg = slow 1.5 mph average trek
  • 7- Two canes = reduces pressure on spine and keeps stumblebum upright
  • 8- Mountaineering boots with orthotics for support of high instep = more miles before the feet give out
  • This old goat never thought backpacking was possible. A couple of sons got him into backpacking.
  • Adaptation was the name of the game.
  • If this old goat can do it so can you!
  • 2003 Lumbar Spine Fusion



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