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HAM Radio Programming

CSV files I use with CHIRP


CHIRP is software used to program many equipped radios. A cable can be purchased for a given radio or group of radios. When attached to a computer one can program the radio, either by filling in the data by hand or by copying the info, such as found here, to the rows you wish. If you delete after cloning the radio, you can select as a batch all of the rows found here and paste them into the cloned radio file. Just upload the data to the radio you initially just cloned. You should be ready to use each channel as programmed. CHIRP can be downloaded from

One of the main purposes of this is so that all of us can go to a specific 'channel' or memory location and everyone will be on the same programmed frequency. A number of these frequencies are used by our local government emergency preparedness people who we will want to be able to listen to or communicate with in an actually emergency. I like to use the channel# as the TAC# (Tactical #) where possible. When told to go to a TAC# you can go to that channel#.

Here are the lists in PDF format for printing:
Yaesu FT-817_857_897 (US)
AnyTone 5888UV
Yaesu FT-90

Now for the easy way. Download CHIRP and use the FTDI transfer cable for the Baofeng. Do not create a head ache for yourself using old Baofeng cables. The Yaesu does not seem to need a driver download. With CHIRP the IC-7100 is edited directly in memory on the radio. This last time reprogramming the IC-7100 I found that the the memory#s were offset by one memory and each memory had to be updated independent from the others. Not fun! Download this and unzip the files. Import the *.csv file you need to a newly created file in CHIRP and copy the rows you wish from the imported *.csv file to your radio. I could not transfer a block of data into the IC-7100. Upload your programmed locations back to your radio. It is important to clone your radio then copy the imported file to your clone and upload it back to your radio. (There are many settings in the clone of your radio that you will not want to change. However, changing the 'sql' sensitivity in those settings can make the Baofengs much more useful. I set the 'sql' for level 1 = 10, the radios come with, to 1. It works well in the Reno/Sparks area with the Baofeng Menu setting of 1 because the noise is low enough in that general location. Some more noisy locations may need the 'sql' set a little higher.)

Finally, the date of data is 11/09/2024. When I change the data I will changed this date here. When Washoe County CERT, ARES and EOC change their data so will I on the frequencies I am using. This is a fluid environment.

The ARES website can be found at



I will be honest with you. Cloning the radios with CHIRP is not simple. It might be somewhat simple for me, but it took me a while to get there. I have worked with PCs since the early days of PC. I even programmed in machine language to make a TRS80 work with a gas chromatograph using an interface board I made myself.

When I write 'use the FTDI transfer cable for the Baofeng' do it. Avoid the hassles of finding the right old driver for the older cables. The Baofeng handhelds work well for the price. I have several. To get the most out of them means understanding how to adjust the settings. The settings for squelch are worthless as they come from the factory. Squelch "1" needs to be set for 1 or 2 in Sparks, NV. I forget what the factory setting is. I think it was something like 10. That is my experience.

You can contact me at 775-331-0416 if you want help using CHIRP for programming the Baofeng.

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