Dick Smith's Principles for Approaching Emergency Preparations

Emergency is a Synonym for CHAOS

How do you prepare to handle CHAOS? What happens when you are overwhelmed by CHAOS? How do you prepare for effective CHAOS management?
    These are the types of questions that need to be considered.

KISS, Keep it Short & Simple

Keep the plans simple.
    What needs to be handled (done) -> Responsible entity(s)
Resource info, not cataloged so you can find what you want easily, goes into file 13 (trash).
Communication during an emergency needs simple forms to list critical resources.
Food prep needs to be simple with minimum of resources used including fuel.
Plan for simplex or Person to Person (P2P) communication and hope for something more.

Redundancy is a chance for success

There are three people in a presidency. If two are gone you have one left to function for the presidency's responsibilities.
Three people need to be asigned to set up a communication node. Hopefully, one will be available.
Two or three radios = one functional radio.


No collection of critical resources = no effective initial response.
No listing of income and expenses = you have no idea where you stand finacially.
No listing of critical resources like water, food, resources for cooking, keeping warm, transportation, etc. = you cannot take care of yourself or help anyone else.

Practice makes perfect

Practice fulfilling responsibilities with table-tops.
Practice collecting community/member info and communication on phone-trees and radio nets with door-to-door checking.
Practice collecting and cataloging critical info and regularly updating it.
Practice mock mobilization of critical resources to mitigate critical needs.
Practice reveals weaknesses that need to be addressed in planning for a real emergency.
Practice backpacking to learn how to work with less. You cannot get better training for emergencies.

Plan to do it and remember to do it! No excuses!

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